Thursday, October 22, 2009


Composition class is a lot less stressful than i thought it would be. I am doing pretty well and its very manageable. The work Professor Stewart gives us is very well explained and, in my opinion, easy. She really seems to make the papers seem less stressful. I wouldnt change anything about the class.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Beatles!

I love The Beatles. They are my favorite band of all time.

I recently went to Dearborn Music, one of my favorite places on earth, and purchased Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Club Hearts Band and have been listening to them nonstop.

I love The Beatles and anyone who else does please comment :)


So dont think im weird or anything, but for some reason i am utterly infatuated with zombies movies and pretty much anything to do with zombies. I recently went and saw "Zombieland" in theatres and absolutely loved it. There are also a few books out such as "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. Ive read this book a few times and it is quite entertaining.

My friends and i occasionally talk about what we would do if a zombie apocolypse were to take place (yes, were that cool). For some reason this intrigues me and if anyone else feels like i do please comment :).

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Meant to do this Thursday but i was constantly sidetracked and this is the first time ive been able to sit down and think...

Ive taken alot of pointless high school courses. Courses that have never helped me in college. Courses where i was forced to "regurgitate information". Most of the English course i took forced me to do just that. I had the fortune of taking some classes that not only taught me about the course, but also taught me how to think and formulate an educated opinion. One course in particular really made me change the way i think and start thinking critically and just overall benefited my education. The course was Humanaties taught by the great John Webster. Mr. Webster was by far the best teacher i have ever had the fortune of learning from. Humanaties was a class that focused on the history of man and what each age of man contributed to the world, such as art, architecture, poetry, and literature. It may not have been the class, but Mr. Webster taught me how to think differently and really prepared me for college. The courses that had me "regurgitate information" did teach me some useful information but that method of teaching makes it hard to retain things.

Overall, id say i retained the most usefull set of skills and knowledge from my humanaties class and Mr. John Webster.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Anyone who enjoys theatre, this concerns you.

The Stratford Shakespeare festival located in Stratford, Ontario (Canada) is a small town centered around theatre. The festival is centered around Shakespeare's plays but there are many others being performed as well. I have just returned from my fourth consecutive trip to Stratford and i find it becomes more enjoyable every year. While in Stratford i saw Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Nights dream, The Importance of Being Earnest, West Side Story, A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum, and Macbeth. Tickets are somewhat inexpensive and it is only about a three hour drive from Michigan. Google search Stratford Canada Shakespeare festival for info. I urge everyone to experience theatre

Monday, October 12, 2009


Procrastination, damn you. Seems like every time i must type a paper or do something i put it off for a little while. I always finish my work in time but i wonder why so many of us procrastinate. A question for the ages i guess.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Theatre is a great outlet and a underestimated activity.

After spending four days in Stratford, Canada, a small town in Ontario devoted to theatre, I wish that more people were able to experience theatre and be able to appreciate it. The greatest actors of our time are not Robert Pattinson or Daniel Radcliffe. Actors such as Brian Bedford or Sara Topham go unnoticed yet are remarkable actors.

Make an effort, culture yourselves people.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

MLK & Saturday Evening Post

"Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive." - Martin Luther King Jr.

White Americans at the time would rather ignore the problem at hand and maintain order because equal treatment for everyone did not directly effect their lives. They were perfectly content living out their days with how prejudiced the world was and how unfair it was for African Americans. Every American citizen, no matter what color their skin, is entitled to the freedoms granted to them in the U.S. constitution. Which states that all men are created equal.

Saturday Evening Post

Patrick Perry wrote the article about the Four Freedoms speech poorly. He had no paragraph transitions. To me it lacked cohesion and readability.


People need to learn to be logical and think objectively. people let emotions take the best of them quite often and fail to listen to reason. dont let your emotions cloud logic and reason