Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Students in college should become more involved in politics. We live in a democracy and we should exercise our right to vote. We should stand above all the propaganda and choose for ourselves what we believe and develop our own viewpoints. We should choose our own party, not what a biased partisan tells us to. We cant let a demagogue take advantage of us and fill our head with LIES! Thats a little too dramatic, just think for yourself. Develop your own ideology.

You're in college now, time to grow up and exercise your rights. Learn to think for yourself. Don't follow the heard!


  1. completely agree with all that, time to be a part of society

  2. I love this! Short and to the point. You're so right though we as students need to stand up for what we believe in. Especially now as we see American going through all these hardships. It's time we do something about it .
