Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Beatles!

I love The Beatles. They are my favorite band of all time.

I recently went to Dearborn Music, one of my favorite places on earth, and purchased Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Club Hearts Band and have been listening to them nonstop.

I love The Beatles and anyone who else does please comment :)


  1. I love the beatles too! John Lennon was a pure genius. What's your favorite song? I love "Let it be".... I have the Album :)

  2. Have you played Beatles Rockband? It is so much fun!!!

  3. i have not played rock band. im currently saving up for it haha.

    And my favorite song is probrably a tie between let it be and lucy in the sky with diamonds

  4. Marcus, you HAVE to watch the movie "Chapter 27" It's about the assassination of Lennon. It's really great. I'm sure you'll like it :)

  5. okay, i will definitely check it out.


  6. Dearborn Music is awesome! There's ironically a 2nd location in Canton and still labeled as Dearborn Music...weird. Rock Band is for cocky yuppies and score keepers man, go get a real guitar and learn music! If you are passionate about the music you listen to, it makes you grow more intelligent about music to learn how to play or make it! Just a suggestion.

    Never been big on Beatles, I've always found them very overrated but I appreciate their influence and impact on music history. Here Comes The Sun has always been a song I throughly enjoyed from them.

  7. i agree and appreciate youre view on them. people may not like them but you cant help but appreciate them for all the artists they have influenced.

  8. Yeah. I will admit I listen to their music every now and then. I'm rather shocked myself how I just can't get into them. Maybe it's just song-writing style preference or too old for my taste in some ways. I feel as if they could've got better in time like Aerosmith had they still been together instead of break up so early. Could have brought on even bigger things.
